Friday, July 15, 2016


Crank is the working title of an experimental novel about the creator of a successful television show called FRAYED. The show is conceived as part LOST parody and part interdimensional esoteric A-team, and is heavily influenced by prominent conspiracy theories. It stars a team of Marines who have stumbled upon a gateway to other dimensions: Bob, the leader; Mike, the smart-alecky rebel; Lily, the hot girl; Oscar, the jive talking black guy; and Gordon, the nerd. 

The creator of FRAYED slowly loses his mind over the course of creating the television show as he believes that his creations have come to life and are trying to kill him. The first four episodes of FRAYED are linked below.

EPISODE ONE: "The Bilderberg Hotel"

EPISODE TWO: "The Owls Are Not What They Seem"


EPISODE FOUR: "Apep, Set, Ma'at"

FRAYED: Episode Four "APEP, SET, MA'AT"

Previously on FRAYED:

"Out of the frying pan and into the goddamned fire for all we know!"
“Sheeeit a muthafuckin owl!”
"There’s a pure pleasure I take in watching a man who knows the truth corrupt his own people."
“Sheeeeit! Nazi Aliens! What the fuck is this?”
“Nehmen Sie sie zu Set” [Take them to Set.]
“It’s worse than we ever could have imagined.”

Black screen with white type: "In August of 2015, five marines on a scout mission in a classified location in Afghanistan disappeared without a trace. Search missions and rescue teams discovered their food and equipment deep within an undisclosed cave. Their bodies were never found. This is their story."

The following events are completely true and all of the characters are real. None of this is fiction. You can Google it if you want.

The scene is in black and white and the screen is captioned “Fort Bliss, Texas August 1945.” Karl Donitz steps out of an airplane and is greeted by an elderly Jewish-looking man, named Mordecai Rothschild and his son a young Abraham Rothschild. Karl Donitz appears exactly as he does in the present day.

Donitz: Mordecai, it’s good to see you.
(The two men shake hands.)
Mordecai Rothschild: It’s good to see you, Karl. I want you to meet my son Abraham.
Donitz: It’s nice to meet you Abraham.
Abraham Rothschild: It’s nice to meet you Mr. Donitz.
(They shake each other’s hands)
Abraham Rothschild: So you were in pretty deep with the Nazi’s huh?
Donitz: I was involved at the highest levels, making sure that everything went according to your father’s plan.
Mordecai Rothschild: Karl is a true hero. It was a very dangerous mission.
Abraham Rothschild: You did a great thing for our people, Mr Donitz. I’d sure love to hear some of your stories.
Mordecai Rothschild: There will be plenty of time for stories Abe, but for now we’ve got to get Karl up to speed. We’ve got this whole proud nation of industrious and virtuous people to subvert. We need to keep these people from becoming a threat. With the Nazi’s gone, they are the greatest risk.
Donitz: I’m eager to get my hands dirty, Mordecai.
Mordecai: Ahh you’re a good man, Karl. A damn good man. First we need to debrief you on what you learned from the Nazi’s --

A young seargent comes running up to the group holding a piece of paper. It is a young Maximilian Birch.

Maximilian Birch: Sir. Sir. I’ve got important news.
Mordecai Rothschild: What is it Birch?
Maximilian Birch: It’s the Anunnaki sir. They’ve attacked! We shot one of them down just outside of San Antonio.
Mordecai Rothschild: The Anunnaki? But it’s been almost five thousand years!
Abraham Rothschild: There was that business in Nazareth about two thousand years ago.
Mordecai Rothschild: Zip it boy.


Mike and Lily are completely naked in a delousing chamber that is filling up with clouds of gas. They cough and wave their arms trying to keep the chemicals out of their lungs. They are then sprayed by jets of water. The camera pans back to reveal that this is taking place on a screen in an office. In that office sit three aliens watching anime cartoons on another screen altogether, completely ignoring what is happening to Mike and Lily. The anime that they are watching is completely indistinguishable from modern Japanese anime except that it is in the German language.

The anime shows a brief upskirt of a girl in a japanese school girl outfit.

Alien1: Ich weiß nicht, warum Ich mag das, aber ich tue.
[I do not know why I like that, but I do.]
Alien2: Die Mischlings haben uns degenerierte.
[The mixed blood have degenerated us.]
Alien3: Annunaki von Affen unterminiert. Traurig.
[Annunaki subverted by monkeys. Sad.]
Alien1: Ich denke, wir sollten die Gefangenen abrufen.
[I guess we should retrieve the prisoners.]
Alien3: Ja. Annunaki ubermenchen sind wir nicht?
[Yes. Are we not annunaki ubermen?]
Alien2: Wir devo nicht mehr
[We are devo no more.]


Cut to a scene at the White House. President Palantine is in the Oval Office surrounded by his advisors and military men, including Colonel Maximilian Birch. They are all watching a television screen which is broadcasting two aliens. One alien is seated upon a throne and is wearing a headpiece that resembles two long rectangular ears.  He is holding a scepter. The head of the scepter is a carving of a strange animal with a pointed beak and rabbit like ears. The other alien is standing at his side and begins speaking directly to the group of government officials gathered around the screen. He speaks in English in a deep booming voice.

Alien4: The mighty Set, his highness, the 49th of his name, King of the Annunaki, the rightful people of Earth and rulers of the entire Universe, in the 75th year of his reign may it be everlasting, demands an audience with the leader of Earth’s trespassing apes and their serpentine consiglieres to discuss the willful and deliberate violation of The Greada Treaty, and all matters of restitution and recompense to be forthcoming from said willful and deliberate violation.

President Palantine: It is an honor to meet you King Set. I am President Palantine. I believe that when you last spoke with our people and hammered out the Greada treaty that my position was held by President Eisenhower, but I assure you that we have been faithful to this treaty and have not sought to violate it. I pledge to work with you in good faith.

Alien4: The mighty Set believes that your words are filled with lies. He calls you a half-breed monkey liar and a coward.

President Palantine: But that is hardly productive. We are not in anyway aware that the treaty has been violated. What is the nature of the violation?

Alien4: The mighty Set demands the presence of the leadership of the treacherous and cowardly stomach-crawling Reptiles before continuing. He has indicated that you are a fool and he suspects that you and your people would be unable to feed yourselves if those back-stabbing lizards weren’t there to feed you bananas.

Maximilian Birch: Rothschild is on his way Set. This is all a mistake. We’ll work everything out. Be patient. Try to be reasonable.

Alien4: The mighty Set would like to remind the slithering snake how things went among our ancestors thousands of years ago, the great victory of the Annunaki over the snakes, merely a premonition of the final victory that Set will have over you lizards.

Maximilian Birch: Nothing sadder than a broken people clinging to memories of greatness, Set. You think we’re protecting these apes from you. You got it backwards. We’re protecting you from these apes. Left to their own devices, they would wipe you out.


Flashback Scene. The setting is a high school cafeteria. Lily is sitting at a table with two boys. They are smiling and laughing.
Lily: And then Mrs. Pulawski got really mad. She turned beat red and started yelling at Bob like “If you think you’re so smart why don’t you get up here and teach the class funny man.” (Lily began shaking her fist in imitation.)
Bob: You should have been there, Mike. She kept saying “you funny man” in such an angry voice.
The three of them laughed.
Lily: I don’t have time for this bullcrap you funnyman.
They started laughing harder and the laughter subsided after a couple of minutes.
Mike: What do you guys want to do this weekend? My parents are taking my little sister to a gymnastics competition in Cincinatti so I’ll have the place to myself.
Bob: Aww Sweet! I’ve got some b-movies I can bring over that look pretty bad. We can have a bad movie marathon.
Lily: That sounds great!
Mike: Maybe we can even crack open a few of my dad’s beers.
Bob: Aww yeah, dipping into the old man’s sauce. Capital idea old sport.
The three of them continue to laugh and giggle.
Lily: Well, as long as we don’t get into too much trouble, I guess it could be fun.
Mike: Well as the hindus say, you only live once.
Lily: I don’t think that’s what the hindus say Mike.
Bob: Who cares. Let’s get drunk!
Lily: You boys. The two of you are gonna be the death of me.
They all start laughing as the scene fades out.


Mike and Lily are sitting in an alien jail cell. They are tied back-to-back to each other. They are both in their underwear although Lily is topless.

Mike: Don’t worry kid. We’re going to get out of this.
Lily: I had a friend who used to say that to me.
Mike: What?
Lily: Don’t worry kid. I used to worry all the time. I had so much anxiety. I don’t know. I guess it was because my parents would yell and fight all the time. Like throw bottles at each other and stuff. But I would have these panic attacks you know? And he would say don’t worry kid. He would always make me laugh, try to distract me, tell me jokes.
Mike: You ever touch his dick?
Lily: Fuck you.
Mike: Hey now. I’m just saying you know he probably just wanted to fuck you that’s all.
Lily: And so what if he did?
Mike: And you friend-zoned him right?
Lily: You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about!
Mike: Haha, looks like I hit a bullseye.
Lily: He was sensitive and sweet. He was smart, but he would pretend to be dumb to make me laugh. He was the kindest person I ever knew.
Mike: Poor guy. You must’ve really broke his heart.
Lily: Yeah. I guess I did.
Mike: He got over it though. There’s lots of pretty girls out there. What's one versus another anyway?
Lily: No. He didn’t get over it. He killed himself.
Mike: Oh shit. I’m sorry kid. I shouldn’t run my mouth like that.
Lily: Forget it.
Mike: Stuff like that. It’s not your fault you know. It wasn’t you.
Lily: I’ve heard it all Mike, and to be honest, I sure as shit don’t want to hear it from you.
Mike: Alright kid. I’m sorry. That’s all.


In the Oval office, President Palantine is sitting around a table with his advisors and top military brass, including Colonel Maximilian Birch. While Abraham Rothschild and Set communicate in another room.

Palantine: What is going on here anyway Birch?
Birch: Rothschild will work it out with Set. There’s nothing to worry about.
Palantine: Why doesn’t Set speak to us directly?
Birch: Traditionally, the Annunaki communicate purely by telepathy. Unfortunately, you and I are unable to communicate by telepathy. Some humans can, but they tend to be autistic and not very good at translating messages and so it’s a very tricky thing. Over the years the Anunnaki have learned some human languages, but Set believes it is beneath his dignity as king to speak one of our languages, and so he uses the interpreter.
Palantine: Do you know anything about this violation he speaks of?
Birch: There are a lot of things that I’m not sure that you need to know Mr. President.
Palantine: Dammit Birch. Just level with me. You know I’m not going to mess up our relationship.
Birch: Mr President, it’s like the alien says. You’re just a clueless monkey and the reason you’re not in that room and involved in negotiating this agreement, is because you don’t need to be. You don’t have any power or authority. Now you just do what you’re told and act happy about it.

Abraham Rothschild strolls into the room with a wide grin on his face. He claps the president on the back.

Rothschild: Now Colonel, that’s no way to talk to our dear friend the president. How are you Charles?.

The two men shake hands amiably.

Palantine: Abe, I’m very confused. How did things go in there?
Rothschild: Don’t worry Mr. President. A war of the worlds has been averted. We will have to send a few hostages back to them, but it’s a small price.
Palantine: Hostages?
Rothschild: The ones we’re holding in Roswell. They have a list of names. It’s not a big deal. They’ll send a vimana to pick them up. Birch I want you to personally oversee the transfer.

Rothschild and Birch make eye contact and share a meaningful glance. Birch grins quietly.

Palantine: Why did he keep calling us monkeys?
Rothschild: When your people were cavemen, the Annunaki had enslaved you. Until my people came along and freed you and allowed you to evolve and flourish. The Annunaki are still bitter. They would like to make you their slaves again.
Palantine: But just the other day you said -
Rothshchild: (laughs) Oh Charles, haven't you figured out by now? You really can't believe anything that I say!


Flashback Scene:

High school aged Lilly is at her friend Mike’s house watching movies with their friend Bob. They each have a can of beer in front of them.

Lily: No! Don’t go in the basement!
A revving chainsaw is heard from the television screen. The three friends groan and then laugh.
Lily: You went in the basement you fool!
Mike: He shouldn’t have gone in the basement.
Bob: (laughing) hey I’m gonna go grab another beer, anyone else want one?
Mike: Sure I’ll have one.
Lily: No, I think I’ve had enough.
Bob: Come on Lily! You’ve only had one! Live a little.
Lily: I don’t want to get too drunk guys. My dad would kill me.
Mike: Don’t worry kid. Just one more. I won’t let you get too far gone.
Lily: Okay. One more beer, but that’s it!
Bob: That’s the spirit!

Bob walked out of the room and returns with three beers and hands them to his friends. They each crack it open and take a sip as a silence falls on the group.

Mike: You know guys. This is a really great night. I love you guys.
Lily: Aww we love you too Mike.
Bob: You guys are my best friends. I don’t know what I would do if we didn’t have each other.

Once again the sound of a chainsaw is coming from the television.

Lily covers her eyes.
Mike: Oh god, that’s brutal!

Cut to scene of Mike and Lily tied up in the alien jail cell, their backs to each other.

Lily: What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done Mike?
Mike: Huh?
Lily: Come on. We’ve got time to kill and you know my dark secret. So you tell me yours. Guy like you. I’m sure you’ve done something pretty shitty.
Mike: Hey! What the hell? What makes you think I’m the bad guy?
Lily: Come on Mike. Stop dodging the question.
Mike: Okay okay. Let me think a moment.
Lily: Out with it.
Mike: Fine. I killed a bunch of people.
Lily: In battle?
Mike: No this was before I joined the Marines. I was in high school. It was an accident.
Lily: What happened?
Mike: I was at a party. It was a Halloween party, and I wore a mask. I never would’ve been invited to it. I wasn’t cool enough you know?
Lily: Okay?
Mike: So I decided to play a prank on these jerks, and I spiked the punch with some tablets that were supposed to make everyone get diarrhea and shit their pants.
Lily: Jesus, Lily chuckled.
Mike: But instead, you see, well, I don’t know. All of a sudden everybody just started grabbing their throats and dropping dead. It was like more than a hundred kids. Like half the football team and the entire cheerleading squad dropped dead right in front of me.
Lily: What did you do?
Mike: I got the fuck out of there are you kidding? Fuck. Man, I was scared shitless. I never ever told anyone that story before. Not anyone. Not ever.
Lily: Wow. That must be a really heavy burden.
Mike: Burden? What? Fuck no! Those kids were jerks. They got what was coming to them.


Flashback scene: High school aged Lily is hanging out with her friends Mike and Bob at Bob’s house. It has gotten very late. Beer cans are strewn about the place. Bob is snoring quietly at one end of the couch. Mike and Lily are sitting beside each other as the credits roll on the television.

Lily: That was a silly movie.
Mike: Yeah. It was funny when that clown went homocidal.
Lily: (laughing) Oh my god. That was so good.
Mike: Hey Lily, I really like you.
Lily: I really like you too Mike. You’re a sweet boy.
They leaned in slightly toward each other and then softly kissed.
Mike: That was nice.
Lily: Yeah.
Mike: I wish that moment could last forever.


Oscar: Sheeeeit! What we gone do now muthafuckas?

Oscar, Gordon, and Bob are back at the vimana, having narrowly escaped the pursuit of the Aliens. They are huddled just under the vimana and conferring.

Bob: We’ve got to rescue Mike and Lily.
Oscar: Sheeit! How we gone do that? We ain’t even know where dey be keepin ‘em.
Gordon: It does seem hopeless. I don’t know what we can do.

Bob sighed heavily and shrugged. He dropped to his knees and clasped his hands together to pray.

Bob: Dear Lord, please help us. Please send us some help. Some sort of guidance.
Oscar: Sheeit! I pray too. Please lord. We need some help heah. We just wanna go on home now. Sheeeit!

As they prayed, a shadow suddenly appeared over them. They looked up and saw a vimana descending from the sky above and land next to them.

Oscar: Sheeeeit! It’s happening again!
Gordon: Maybe your prayers have been answered.
Bob: Please God. Please. Let this be someone here to help us.

Slowly, from the bottom of the vimana, a light emerged, and a lone figure descended to the ground, his features obscured by the light and shadows. Finally, he reached the ground. He paused momentarily and then stepped forward out into the clearing.

It was Adolf Hitler.

Adolf Hitler, smiling, and with a thick German accent, held up his hands and said, “I come in peace.”



On the next episode of FRAYED:
"It was a frame job! You gotta believe me!" "You synthesized something that hasn’t been synthesized since Zosimos of Panopolis." Are you saying a frog told you to run for president? "More crazy than the holocaust? You swallow that lie like it’s candy! " "Help me procure white esthesia and I can travel back in time and win WWII?"

Episode Five: "MK Ultra"


Previously on Frayed:

“You are from Minevelt? Things must have really gone to seed there?”
“Find the other two. Don’t let them get away!”
“You motherfuckers won’t break me!”
“Aww sheeeeit. It’s happening again.”
“Ekklesia Bob.

Black screen with white type: "In August of 2015, five marines on a scout mission in a classified location in Afghanistan disappeared without a trace. Search missions and rescue teams discovered their food and equipment deep within an undisclosed cave. Their bodies were never found. This is their story."

The following events are completely true and all of the characters are real. None of this is fiction. You can Google it if you want.

Cavemen are converging around a fire. They are eating the carcass of a dead animal. They fight each other with bones and other crude weapons, grunting and shrieking. A small cadre of aliens arrives on the scene in a small flying saucer. They taze the cavemen and load them into a caravan. The perspective on the scene changes and in the distance, we see a large castle that looks like it is made out of crystal. The aliens fly off in their craft. The screen goes white.

The white light dissipates and the scene cuts to the five marines. They are in the vimana moments after pressing the button from the last episode.

The Marines are dazed and disoriented but slowly regain their awareness as if coming out of a vivid dream to realize you are safely in bed, only for the Marines, the nightmare continues.

Oscar: Sheeeeit! You think it worked?
Gordon: I think we escaped, but who knows where we are now.
Mike: Out of the frying pan and into the goddamned fire for all we know!

Bob sits quietly for a moment. His brow furrowed deep in thought. Suddenly he looks up. “How did you guys know to save us?”

Gordon: We found a... uh well… I guess it’s a kind of periscope.
Bob: A periscope? Show me.

Gordon leads Bob to a corner of the vimana and pulls down an s-shaped metallic contraption attached to a metal box with  two cranks on each side. Bob peers into a metal box attach.

Gordon: One of those wheels moves the view along the horizon in 360 degrees, the other controls the height and angle of view.
Bob: Oh My God. You guys are not going to believe this!


Jump cut. Dozens of men in hooded black robes are on their knees around a giant stone statue of an owl. It is late at night and they are lluminated by four flaming lanterns. They chant in deep low voices. “Whoo. Whoo. Whoo.” Just in front of the owl is a ten year old blonde girl in a white robe tied to a wooden stake with kindling at her feet.

A figure in a black hooded robe steps to the front of the congregation. He holds a flaming torch in his right hand and raises it above his head.

“Parah Adumah!” he calls out.
“Whoo. Whoo. Whoo.”
“Parah Adumah Adonai Eloheinu!”
“Whoo. Whoo. Whoo.”
“Hakadosh Parah Adumah Minchah!”

The man in the hooded robe turns and holds the flaming torch to the kindling, and the flames ignite quickly and leap at the young girl tied to the stake. She begins screaming in a high-pitched frenzy as the flames ascend. The crowd of hooded men continued to chant “Whoo. Whoo. Whoo.”

The figure at the front of the congregation pulls back his hood to reveal the face of Abraham Rothschild. He holds a bottle of wine in each hand and raises them before the congregation.

“Now let the festivities begin!” he yells, and the congregation of chanting men erupt into cheers and revelry.


Two women are drinking together at a bar. They are each holding a martini glass with pink liquid inside.

“So I said how should I know? I only wrote the damn pre-nup” They both start laughing ostentatiously.
The blonde takes a sip from her drink as the laughter dies down and Mike sidles up to them with a tumbler full of ice and whiskey in hand.
“Evening girls,” he says flashing a smile, “but is this seat taken?”
“Girls?” the blonde one asked raising an eyebrow. “Is that how you address two professional women?”
“Well it’s just that you’re both so young. What would you have me call you?”
“How about ladies?” the redhead responded trying to appear stern, but already too drunk to suppress her smile.
“If I thought you were ladies, I would have sat next to someone else.”
The two women laugh. “You’re bad,” the blonde said pushing his shoulder provocatively.
“No toots. I’m a goddamned super hero,” Mike says with a grin. “This is just my alter ego.”
“You’re not a super hero,” the red-head said slurring her speech. “You’re not a Batman.”
“Go ahead and feel my muscle if you don’t believe me,” Mike said flexing his bulging biceps. The two women squeezed his arm.
“Next week I’m going on a secret mission in Afghanistan to beat up some bad guys.”
“They already killed Osama bin Laden,” the blonde slurred.
“Yeah, but now there’s someone even worse, and they need me to go stop him.”
“Oh brother, you must think we’re really dumb!” the redhead blurted out.
“On the contrary, I think you’re really really smart. That’s why I’m going to buy you another round of drinks. Try and level the playing field.”
The two women giggled like young girls as Mike motioned for more drinks.


Cut to scene of the Marines in the Vimana.

“What the hell do you see?” Mike asks as Bob peers through the periscope. Bob let’s go of the periscope and turns to face his crew.
“It’s like a forest made out of crystals or glass or something. It’s very dark, but I don’t think there’s anyone out there waiting for us.”

Lily: “Should we go take a look around?”
Oscar: “Sheeeit! What for? Let’s just push another button and see what happens.”
Gordon: “That might be a bad idea.”
Oscar: “How so? If we keep pushing buttons, one of them will eventually take us home!”
Gordon: “Because we have no idea what is powering this thing and how much of it we have left.”
Oscar: “Sheeeit! You think we gone run out of gas? This thing is powered by magic baby.”
Gordon: “I don’t think so. A consequence of the law of conservation of energy is that no system without an external energy supply can deliver an unlimited amount of energy to its surroundings. This thing is using energy to transport itself. It has to be. The question is where does that energy come from and how much do we have left.”
Mike: “So what you’re saying is… we’re fucked.”
Oscar: “Sheeeit.”
Bob: “We can figure this out. Someone made this thing didn’t they? Someone out there knows how to use it. If we take our time and explore and try to find out what we can, maybe we can figure out how to get home.”
Lily: “Bob’s right. We’re here. We should find out what this world has to teach us.”
Bob: “Gordon. Oscar. Do you want to stay back again and try to figure out the controls?”
Gordon: “I spent almost 48 hours staring at these panels. I think I’ve learned all I can from the inside. I think I would be a lot more useful with you. Who knows what we might stumble upon.”
Bob: Alright then. Let’s roll everybody. Oscar you too.
Oscar: Sheeeit! I ain’t stayin here by myself.


Cut to scene around the giant stone owl statue. The men in black robes have their hoods down and they are drinking heavily and eating from a buffet. They each have a young child with them between the age of 10 and 12, both male and female. They have their arm draped over the child or they are sitting in their laps. Abraham Rothschild addresses another man.

“Nice to see you Mr. President,” Abraham Rothschild says addressing President Palantine with a smile and shaking his hand vigorously. Palantine has an eleven year old girl on his left arm and Rothschild is clutching a twelve year old boy to his side.
Palantine laughs warmly, “You know you can call me Charles, Abe.” He takes a healthy swig of red wine right from the bottle, and it trickles down from his lips to his chin.
“Of course, of course, Charles. Are you having fun?”
“I’m having a grand time old boy,” Palantine said giving his young companion a tender caress and a kiss upon the forehead. “But tomorrow we can discuss business.”
“Tomorrow we discuss business, Charles.” Abraham Rothschild said firmly. “Tonight we enjoy ourselves.” He squeezed the young boy firmly to his side.
“To Molech,” Palantine said raising his bottle of wine.
“To Molech,” Rothschild agreed with a tight-lipped smile.
Palantine raised the bottle to his lips once again and poured the red wine down his gullet.


Cut to scene of the five marines outside of the vimana. They are in a dark world without a sun or an atmosphere, very similar to the surface of the moon, except that they are in the middle of a “forest” filled with “trees” made out of crystals of many different colors. The crystals all change colors from light green to light blue to white to pink to orange, slowly fading from one color to the next. They are not synchronized. So while one crystal is blue, another is green and another is orange and so on.

The marines, with their backpacks full of equipment and their rifles in their hands move single-file through the forest, without the scenery having changed much at all. After some time has passed, Bob calls for the group to rest. They gather in a circle. Mike and Bob take a knee while Lily sits indian style and Oscar lays flat on his back. Gordon sits on his helmet.

“Is this all there is?” Lily asks.
“There’s no way of knowing,” Gordon replied. “We have no idea how much ground we need to cover.”
“Let’s set up camp here,” Bob commanded. “We need sleep. We can continue in the morning.”
An owl called from one of the branches above them. Whoo-Whoo-Whoo. They all looked up. A huge white owl stared at them with bright wide eyes.
“Sheeeit a muthafuckin owl!” Oscar exclaimed.
“What are we supposed to do owl?” Mike yelled shaking his fist. “Come on tell us something!”
Whoo-Whoo-Whoo the owl called back, and then it spread it’s wings and flew off.
“These fucking owls,” Mike muttered.


Cut to a scene with Mike and the two women from the bar in a bedroom. They are all undressed and in bed together. The scene is shot in soft-focus slow-motion and the camera pans over the bodies of the two women as Mike slowly undresses them and gropes their lithe young bodies. Then the slow motion and soft-focus give way to Mike thrusting into the blonde from behind and having a grunting orgasm.


Cut to a wide two story brick building on a grassy campus on a military base. A sign reads: “The Sister Viktorine Zak Research Facility” Inside, Karl Donitz is in a classroom full of autistic children. He is projecting pictures onto a white screen of symbols and strange writings and patterns. The children stare at the pictures and the patterns.

Donitz projected a new image onto the white board and the autistic children began vibrating excitedly. “Vril-ya, Vril-ya, Vril-ya,” they called out shaking with increased agitation.

Donitz made a note in his notebook and then projected a new image.

“Thelema, Thelema, Thelema,” the autistic children muttered with excitement.

Donitz made another note in his notebook and then projected another image.

“Anu, Anu, Anu, Anu”

Donitz furrowed his brow and made another note. He projected the next slide onto the screen.

“Bob!” the children called out once in unison, and then as if given a hidden signal,  all arose from their desks and walked in a single file out of the classroom.

Karl Donitz, took a sip of coffee, careful not to spill any on his white lab-coat and watched as the autistic children moved with a purpose exiting the classroom.


Cut to the marines. They have each set up tents and sleeping bags and are eating from their rations. They are assembled in a circle.

Bob: We’ll take turns sleeping. One of us should remain awake at all times to keep a look out. We don’t know what might surprise us out here.
Mike: I’ll take the first shift.
Lily: Bob there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.
Bob: Yeah?
Lily: Just before we were captured and thrown in that horrible prison you were saying something.
Bob: I was? What was I saying?
Lily: You said that you knew something that we didn’t know.
Mike: Hey yeah, that’s right! Time to spill the beans cowboy!
Bob: It’s nothing really.
Mike: Bullllll-shit!
Lily: Come on Bob. What are you hiding?
Bob: Ok, I’m not sure how to say this.
Oscar: Sheeeeit muthafucka, now even I’m curious. What the big secret be?
Bob: I was told that our mission wasn’t real. I was told that we were supposed to be looking for something but they wouldn’t tell me what. I was told to keep it out of the official reports.
Oscar: Sheeeit man! Muthafuckas knew!
Lily: Wow. Just wow.
Gordon: They knew this was out there. Fuck! Why didn’t they train me on how to use it!
Mike: Now what the fuck are you talking about?


Cut to scene at a bar. A woman is enjoying a glass of wine by herself. On a television screen, two talking heads discuss debris found on Reunion Island and believed to be part of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. Mike sidles up to the woman with a glass tumbler full of ice and whiskey.
“Good evening pretty lady,” he smiles. She smiles back at him.


Cut to scene of President Charles Palantine, hungover and disheveled, eyes glazed with effututus. He is greeted by Abraham Rothschild, who appears hale and hearty and is wearing a fresh suit. He is with two other men in disheveled robes, bleary-eyed and hungover. He offers Palantine a glass of orange juice.

“Drink that. It ought to help with your hangover.” Rothschild says evenly.
“Thank you Abe. You’re a good man.”
“You know Senator Burns and Governor Bowles,” Rothschild says indicating the two other men he is with.
“How are you gentlemen?”
“It was a helluva night Mr. President, but I’m paying for it now!” Governor Bowles said in a high-pitched southern accent.
“Your presidency is coming to an end,” Rothschild continued. “More than likely one of these two men is going to replace you.”
“Yes they are the front-runners for the nominations of the two major parties. They’ve got all of the endorsements and money men all locked up.”
“So you see, it’s important that we all get on the same page here. No matter what the American people do, I want there to be a seamless transition of power.”
“How do you mean?” Senator Burns asked.
“Perhaps you’ve heard the rumors,” Rothschild said candidly, “You should know that they are true.”
Upon saying this, Rothschild’s face assumes it’s reptilian form.
“My god!” Burns exclaimed.
“What on earth?” Bowles scoffed with incredulity.
“We control the media, Hollywood, and we’ve infiltrated the government at the highest levels. The Federal Reserve Board, The United Nations. Whoever is not us, serves us. Like I always say, I don’t care who the American people vote for as long as I can select the candidates. There is nothing you can do to stop us, but you can have a very nice life if you serve us. And if you don’t serve us, we will destroy you.”
“What is it that you want? Why?” Governor Bowles asked with his deep southern accent.
“Oh don’t worry Governor, you’ve been serving us well for years, just keep doing what you’re doing. Like you, we believe in the brotherhood of man, free trade and open borders. One world government for one people and freedom, of course, absolute freedom.” Rothschild couldn’t help but chuckle as he said this.
“But why then go to all of this trouble? Why show us what you really are?”
“I take great pleasure in watching a man who knows the truth do my bidding and corrupt his own people anyway, Governor, to destroy the future for his own children, to do it and to know he is doing it.” Rothshild closed his eyes and began rubbing his hands against his cheeks. “Take President Palantine here. He’s served us for eight years. Eight years of corruption and betrayal of his own people, and the sonofabitch is happy to do it!” Rothschild let out a contemptuous laugh as the scene fades to black.
"I still don't get it. How are we corrupting our children? What is the point?" Burns asked.
"If left to your own devices, there's a very good chance that humanity would, over the course of a few generations, advance to your hyperborean state, and then you would overthrow us, as you once overthrew the Annunaki. So we must keep you degenerate, so that we can rule. Your cooperation in the matter is greatly appreciated."

Rothschild's reptilian eyes glow and he smirks as the scene fades out.


Cut back to the scene of the marines set up at their camp site.

“Yeah Gordon what are you talking about?” Bob asks, but before Gordon can respond the marines hear voices.
“Diesen Weg. Ich denke, wir haben sie gefunden.”
Bob holds a finger to his lips as the marines make eye-contact with each other.
A whisper of “Ruhig! Jetzt!” makes its way through the crystal trees to the ears of the marines. They look around into the forest of crystal, but can not see anything.
Mike picks up his automatic rifle and slowly turns in a semi-circle waiting for the bodies of the voices to emerge through the crystalized foliage.
“Sheeeit muthafuckas I ain’t ready to die!” Oscar whispers while lifting his rifle to a firing position.
“Hold your fire men. Let’s hope for the best.” Bob whispers.
Figures begin to emerge from behind the huge crystal trees. Lily steps forward with her hands in the air. “We come in peace. We mean you no harm.” She calls out.

“Halt jetzt, oder Sie werden die schwarzen Samen meiner Rache schmecken!” a voice barks back at her, and four aliens holding advanced guns of their own step into the clearing. They are all wearing Prussian helmets and are wearing swastika armbands.

“Sheeeeit! Nazi Aliens! What the fuck is this?” Oscar exclaims.


Cut to scene of Mike in bed with the woman he met at the bar. They are post-coitally cuddling in bed. The woman is smoking a cigarette, topless, but wearing panties while Mike reclines in his underwear, sipping on whiskey from a tumbler.

The woman gets up to get dressed.

“Going so soon?” Mike asks.
“Uh yeah. I uh. I got stuff to do.” She responds.
“I had a nice time,” Mike says.
“Yeah it was fun. See you around.”

She closes the door behind her. Mike grabs the whole bottle of whiskey from his night stand and takes a big swig from it. He starts to cry. Tears roll down his face. He doesn’t fight them back. He takes another swig from the bottle of whiskey and turns on the television.


Cut to the scene of the marines in the forest of crystals confronted by the aliens. Subtitles appear in brackets.

“Sie haben den Vertrag verletzt. Sie werden mit uns kommen. Sie werden an Set beantworten.” the lead alien commanded. [You have violated the Treaty. You will come with us. You will answer to Set.]
“Was Vertrag? Wer bist du?” Lily asked. [What treaty? Who are you?]
“You speak alien?” Mike asked stepping up beside Lily with his gun at his side and pointed at the aliens.
“It’s German. They are speaking German.” Lily responded.
“Sheeeeit! Now I’ve heard it all!” Oscar said shaking his head.
“Wir sind der große annunaki. Das Master- Rennen des Universums. Sie stahlen unser Zuhause. Sie stahlen unsere prima materia. Sie haben versucht, Völkermord uns” [We are the mighty Annunaki . The master race of the universe. You stole our home. You stole our prima materia. You attempted to genocide us.”

“They say that we’ve broken some treaty and tried to destroy their people.” Lily translated for the other marines.
“Tell them that we didn’t even know that they existed. That there’s been a mistake.” Bob pleaded.
“Wir dachten, Sie waren schon tot.” Lily called to the aliens. [We thought you were already dead.]
Der kostbarste Besitz auf dieser Welt aber ist das eigene Volk! Wir werden euch begraben!” [There is nothing in the world more precious than your own people. We will bury you!”
The aliens fired their guns at the marines. Mike returned fire.
“You Nazi aliens can kiss my black ass!” Oscar yelled as he began to fire on the aliens as well.
Mike shot two of the marines with his automatic assault rifle killing them.  Two small flying saucers appeared in the sky and trained beams on Mike and Lilly, incapacitating them, and then pulling them from the ground up into the craft. A dozen more aliens appeared out of the woods and the flying saucers that had beamed up Mike and Lily approached the other three marines.
“We gotta get out of here.” Bob yelled.
“They got Mike and Lily!” Gordon yelled.
“We’ll go back for them! We gotta retreat!”
“This ain’t over yet muthafuckas!” Oscar yelled, as he and the three marines ran like mad back toward the vimana.
The lead alien gave orders to his troops.
“Eins, zwei, drei und vier, Befolgen Sie diese Hälfte Rassen von Affen Sklaven vergewaltigt.”
[One, two, three, and four, follow these half-breeds raped by monkey slaves.]
“Was ist mit den Gefangenen?”[What about the prisoners?]
“Nehmen Sie sie zu Set” [Take them to Set.]


Cut to a scene of Karl Donitz sitting in his office talking on the phone to Abraham Rothschild who is sitting in a private jet on a runway waiting for takeoff. There is a split screen as the two men speak over the phone.

Rothschild: “Any news on those marines?”
Donitz: “Birch says that some of their equipment was found in a cave with some charred rock and earth. I think it’s clear that they found the vimana and that they left in it.”
Rothschild: “Do you think they have an agenda?”
Donitz: “That is hard to say. It could have been an accident.”
Rothschild: “Fuck! This is a disaster! Didn’t Birch tell them to report back immediately once they found something?”
Donitz: “He did. We don’t know what went wrong.” Donitz remains preternaturally cool.
Rothschild: “So there’s a good chance that these fucking marines are just lost out there without any idea of how to get back?”
Donitz: “That’s the slightly optimistic take.”
Rothschild: “And if they took it on purpose then they’re definitely out to fuck us!”
Donitz: “Indeed, at least if it was an accident, there’s a chance we can get them back home with the vimana intact.”
Rothschild: “What if we lost the vimana forever? What’s plan b?”
Donitz: “Then we have to steal one from the Annunaki. I don’t see any other option.”
Rothschild: “Fuck!”
Donitz: “Speaking of the Annunaki. Let’s hope the marines don’t run into any out there. That could have very bad consequences.”
Rothschild: “Or god forbid…”
Donitz: “You don’t even need to say his name.”

Just then the group of a dozen autistic children who had walked out of Donitz session earlier walked into his office. One boy held a dead snake in his hands. He put it on Donitz’s desk while Donitz stared horrified. “Ekklesia,” the boy said.

The autistic children all began to smile and look at Donitz in a disturbing way. “Ekklesia. Ekklesia. Ekklesia.” They began to chant.

Donitz: “God. Dammit.”
Rothschild: “What? What is it?”
Donitz: “It’s worse than we ever could have imagined.”



On the next episode of Frayed:

“It’s the Anunnaki sir. They’ve attacked!”
The mighty Set believes that your words are filled with lies. He calls you a half-breed monkey liar and a coward.”
“They’ll send a vimana to pick them up. Birch I want you to personally oversee the transfer.”
“Die Mischlings haben uns degenerierte.” [The mixed blood have degenerated us.]
“I come in peace.”

Episode Four: "Apep, Set, Ma'at"